Woman & cat study for the CPA

Ready for the 2024 CPA Evolution!

We are thrilled to announce that after nearly five years of dedicated development, cpa.examprep.ai is now fully launched with comprehensive support for all six of the AICPA's latest 2024 CPA Evolution exams!

What's New in This Major Update?

Expanded Practice Resources:

  • More Practice Questions & Simulations: We've significantly increased the number of practice questions and task-based simulations available for each exam. This expansion is designed to provide you with more opportunities to practice and boost your readiness for exam day.
  • Enhanced Explanations: Our question explanations now feature key glossary terms to help you grasp essential concepts quickly. Additionally, we've included links to the most relevant short lesson clips for deeper understanding.
  • Varied Simulation Difficulties: We now offer task-based simulations of varying difficulties for all exams. You can start with easier simulations to build your confidence and gradually tackle harder ones to sharpen your skills beyond the actual exam's difficulty level.
  • Detailed Video Explanations for FAR: For the FAR exam, some task-based simulations now come with detailed video explanations, making complex topics easier to understand.
  • More Success Stories:

    Since our last update, our student success stories have grown. We now feature three video interviews with students who have successfully passed their exams, alongside a text review from our first user who passed all CPA exams on their first attempt using our platform as their primary resource. These stories are newly visible on our site and showcase the real impact of cpa.examprep.ai on our users' journeys.

    Why This Update Matters

    This update marks a significant milestone for our small team. The journey to fully supporting all six CPA exams was a major undertaking, requiring extensive development and dedication. With Nick and myself working tirelessly, we're proud to offer you a comprehensive and effective study resource.
    We believe these enhancements will make your study experience more efficient, engaging, and ultimately, successful. Whether you are just starting your CPA journey or continuing your preparation, we are here to support you every step of the way. Explore the new features, take advantage of the resources, and move confidently toward your CPA goals.
    Thank you for being part of our community, and here's to your success on the CPA exams!
    About Michael Anuzis —
    Michael brings 10 years of experience at Google where he led development of the company’s first adaptive knowledge assessment platform. His innovations helped new Googlers pass multiple certifications quickly by recognizing prior knowledge, laser focusing on gaps and ensuring mastery of essential concepts. Passionate about effective exam prep, Michael formed ExamPrep.ai to help others master their exams.

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