Successful student

Success Interview: How Our Students are Crushing the CPA Exams

One of our users has been on a roll crushing his CPA exams and joined us for an interview to share his experience.
  • 0:29: How did your CPA journey start?
  • 1:59: What was the biggest misconception you've experienced so far?
  • 3:08: What was your most painful experience on the CPA journey?
  • 4:11: Why did you choose
  • 5:42: What part of did you find most helpful?
  • 6:59: How confident did you feel walking in on exam day?
  • 8:34: What were your latest results?
  • 10:19: Any advice for future CPA exam candidates?
  • We love to hear of our student's success. If you're currently studying with us, we look forward to hearing of your success next!
    About Michael Anuzis —
    Michael brings 10 years of experience at Google where he led development of the company’s first adaptive knowledge assessment platform. His innovations helped new Googlers pass multiple certifications quickly by recognizing prior knowledge, laser focusing on gaps and ensuring mastery of essential concepts. Passionate about effective exam prep, Michael formed to help others master their exams.

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