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Why Did we Focus Exclusively on CPA Exam Prep the First Several Years?

As the founders of, we often get asked why we chose to focus exclusively on CPA Exam Prep the first several years. After all, there are so many other exams and certifications out there that also require rigorous preparation. Our answer is simple: The CPA Exam is the most comprehensive, rigorous, and respected professional exam out there and we wanted to ensure that we could provide the highest quality of preparation to those who are taking it.
The CPA Exam is a demanding, rigorous exam that requires an extensive amount of knowledge, skill and dedication. It covers multiple areas of accounting, auditing and taxation, and requires an in-depth understanding of the underlying concepts and principles. After completing the exam, one is granted the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, signifying that they have met the highest professional and ethical standards in the accounting field.
By focusing on the CPA Exam, was able to create an in-depth and comprehensive preparation program tailored to the specific needs of those taking the exam. From our interactive courses to our personalized study plans, our goal was to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the exam and earn the CPA designation.
At, we understand the importance of the CPA Exam and the value of the CPA designation. We have worked hard to make sure that our preparation program is the best it can be, and we continue to strive to provide the highest quality of preparation to those taking the CPA Exam.
We are proud to have been able to devote our time and energy to helping those preparing for the CPA Exam succeed. We have seen the positive impact that our program has had on our students, and we are confident that we have been able to give them the tools they need to pass the exam. We look forward to continuing to provide our students with the highest quality of CPA Exam Prep in the years to come.
About Michael Anuzis —
Michael brings 10 years of experience at Google where he led development of the company’s first adaptive knowledge assessment platform. His innovations helped new Googlers pass multiple certifications quickly by recognizing prior knowledge, laser focusing on gaps and ensuring mastery of essential concepts. Passionate about effective exam prep, Michael formed to help others master their exams.

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