Debt Restructuring and Extinguishment Journal Entries

Instructor: Nick Palazzolo

Facing tough financial times might lead to considering debt restructuring or even the bold move of debt extinguishment. In this engaging session, Nick dives into the nitty-gritty of these options, from understanding the basic concepts to executing precise journal entries. He explores scenarios that show not only how a business can save by buying back bonds at a reduced price but also how they handle restructuring, like altering loan terms to avoid pushing a debtor into bankruptcy. Nick thoroughly explains each process with concrete examples, including the issuance of new debt to better manage old liabilities. This video is packed with real-world applications that bring clarity to complex financial strategies.

Updated: May 25, 2024 Create an account

Facing tough financial times might lead to considering debt restructuring or even the bold move of debt extinguishment. In this engaging session, Nick dives into the nitty-gritty of these options, from understanding the basic concepts to executing precise journal entries. He explores scenarios that show not only how a business can save by buying back bonds at a reduced price but also how they handle restructuring, like altering loan terms to avoid pushing a debtor into bankruptcy. Nick thoroughly explains each process with concrete examples, including the issuance of new debt to better manage old liabilities. This video is packed with real-world applications that bring clarity to complex financial strategies.

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