Non-Monetary Transactions Journal Entries

Instructor: Nick Palazzolo

Navigating non-monetary transactions can be tricky, but Nick makes it a breeze with his clear breakdown of how to manage these kinds of exchanges in accounting. From understanding the vital concept of commercial substance to dealing with 'boot' — the additional item that might tip the scales in a trade — he covers every angle. Whether it’s bartering trucks, machines, or land, Nick illustrates every step using practical examples, like Company A and B's machine swaps. He meticulously walks through the journal entries required for each scenario, whether the transaction involves no commercial substance and gains need to be deferred, or how to account for and record the fair market value of the new assets. This explanation ensures a solid grip on handling the complexities of non-monetary exchanges.

Updated: May 25, 2024 Create an account

Navigating non-monetary transactions can be tricky, but Nick makes it a breeze with his clear breakdown of how to manage these kinds of exchanges in accounting. From understanding the vital concept of commercial substance to dealing with 'boot' — the additional item that might tip the scales in a trade — he covers every angle. Whether it’s bartering trucks, machines, or land, Nick illustrates every step using practical examples, like Company A and B's machine swaps. He meticulously walks through the journal entries required for each scenario, whether the transaction involves no commercial substance and gains need to be deferred, or how to account for and record the fair market value of the new assets. This explanation ensures a solid grip on handling the complexities of non-monetary exchanges.

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