Video: Business Resiliency, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity Plans

In this lesson, get ready to power through the essentials of making sure your business can stand tall against any disaster with Nick Palazzolo, CPA. Watch as he breaks down the key concepts of business resiliency, disaster recovery, and business continuity plans with an engaging and lively discussion. Nick dives into the importance of preparing for unforeseeable harms like cyber attacks, natural calamities, or market upheavals, ensuring that operations can keep running smoothly no matter the disruption. He also explains different strategies for disaster-proofing organizations, including proactive measures like diversifying supply chains, building redundant systems, and harnessing a culture capable of adapting to new challenges. Discover practical insights on how integrated plans can keep your IT infrastructure and business operations agile and resilient, enabling swift recoveries and the continuation of core functions in times of crisis.

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Data Management
Module: 5 Concepts, 48 Videos