Lesson: Compensated absences - Practice Questions

Instructor: Nick Palazzolo
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In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, dives into the complexities of accounting for compensated absences with a walkthrough of practical questions that shed light on vacation and sick leave expenses. With a mix of humor and expertise, Nick takes you through the intricacies of calculating unemployment insurance expense based on state law and eligible wages. He also tackles the challenge of determining a CEO's bonus with an engaging breakdown of the necessary algebra. The engaging explanation helps clarify the principles of accruing liabilities in a company’s financial records and the importance of understanding the nuanced regulations and calculations that impact corporate accounting. Whether it's mastering the math to find the right figures or enjoying a light-hearted take on bonus calculations, this lesson makes the subject approachable and memorable.

Updated: June 18, 2024 Create an account

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, dives into the complexities of accounting for compensated absences with a walkthrough of practical questions that shed light on vacation and sick leave expenses. With a mix of humor and expertise, Nick takes you through the intricacies of calculating unemployment insurance expense based on state law and eligible wages. He also tackles the challenge of determining a CEO's bonus with an engaging breakdown of the necessary algebra. The engaging explanation helps clarify the principles of accruing liabilities in a company’s financial records and the importance of understanding the nuanced regulations and calculations that impact corporate accounting. Whether it's mastering the math to find the right figures or enjoying a light-hearted take on bonus calculations, this lesson makes the subject approachable and memorable.

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