Video: Data Management - Overview

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Video Info

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, tackles the essential topic of data management, an area that continues to shape the modern business landscape. He begins by talking about the boom in data's importance, particularly through its lucrative role in business models that profit from data sales and advertising. As the lesson progresses, Nick delves into various critical concepts such as data sorting, processing, and protection, highlighting the need to grasp numerous terminologies linked to these processes. He also introduces SQL, providing a gentle lead-in for those new to it and encouraging more experienced attendees to deepen their understanding. Furthermore, Nick briefly mentions upcoming discussions on security, confidentiality, and privacy, setting the stage for comprehensive coverage of data management's many facets. This lesson serves as both an introduction and a deep dive into managing, utilizing, and securing data effectively.

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Data Management
Module: 5 Concepts, 48 Videos