Video: General Points Regarding Gift Tax

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Video Info

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, demystifies the ins and outs of gift tax, a fundamental topic often encountered in federal taxation. He provides insight into the definition and responsibilities surrounding gift tax, emphasizing key concepts such as the annual exclusion and the responsibilities of the donor versus the recipient. Along with a detailed explanation of gifts that qualify for unlimited exclusion, Nick illustrates how certain direct payments to educational institutions, healthcare providers, and charitable organizations can circumvent the gift tax. The discussion also covers present interest gifts, essential for the annual exclusion, and contrasts them with future interest gifts that don't qualify. By addressing common exam topics with engaging examples, Nick ensures a comprehensive understanding of gift tax regulations, including special considerations like the generation-skipping transfer tax and the implications for gifts made across multiple generations.

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Other individual tax matters
Module: 2 Concepts, 18 Videos