Video: Introduction to Audit Engagements

This lesson provides an introduction to audit engagements and the role of a practitioner. A practitioner, who could be an auditor or any professional engaged in a variety of engagement types, is responsible for conducting an engagement, such as an audit, examination, review, preparation, tax service, and more. The lesson clarifies that a practitioner does not have to be a CPA, but in certain cases, a CPA is required to sign off on and ultimately be responsible for the work performed. It also establishes the importance of having a clear mindset and considering oneself as an investigator, aiming to verify the truth behind the client's financial statements and assertions throughout the engagement process. The lesson touches on the usage of engagement and audit terms interchangeably and emphasizes the similarities between different engagement types.

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Types of Engagements & Reports
Module: 6 Concepts, 76 Videos