Video: Introduction to Availability

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Video Info

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, dives into the essential concept of availability, focusing on the pivotal roles of business resiliency, disaster recovery, and business continuity in maintaining uninterrupted operations. Nick outlines the objectives and importance of mirroring and replication for preserving data integrity and ensuring the continuous operation of IT services. He provides a detailed discussion on the significance of business impact analysis and the necessary steps to evaluate and mitigate potential disruptions. Nick also explains the various measures of system availability and the critical factors in choosing the appropriate data backup types, ensuring a robust understanding of the operational imperatives in today's digital environment. Finally, this lesson explores how SOC 2 trust services criteria intertwine with system and data availability, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive grasp of these concepts to ensure operational resilience and long-term success.

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Data Management
Module: 5 Concepts, 48 Videos