Video: IT Attacks

In this lesson, join Nick Palazzolo, CPA, as he dives into the realm of IT security, unpacking various forms of cyberattacks that pose threats to data security. With an engaging and relatable approach, Nick demystifies technical jargon by explaining malware, detailing how it can wreak havoc on systems, and offering practical tips to stay safe from these nefarious programs. He breaks down the mechanics of a Denial of Service (DDoS) attack using vivid analogies and discusses the motivations behind such disruptions. Not stopping there, he covers the concept of Trojan horses, tying its historical namesake to its current digital twin that disguises malicious code in seemingly innocuous programs. Nick also sheds light on physical intrusions and the art of 'phishing,' sharing personal anecdotes that bring the impacts of these threats to life. And for those who remember the days of Limewire, he goes into viruses and their ability to spread and inflict damage, striking a chord with a touch of nostalgia. Step into Nick's world as he wraps complex IT security concepts in a mantle of everyday language, making them approachable and actionable.