Video: Tax Credits, Deductions, and Phase-outs

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In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, breaks down the key differences between tax credits and deductions, illustrating how each can impact the tax bill more lucidly. He emphasizes the direct dollar-for-dollar liability reduction tax credits offer, as opposed to deductions which reduce the amount of income subject to tax. Delving into the specifics, he clarifies how these tax tools can lead to different savings outcomes, making a case for the potential greater value of credits. Next, he introduces the concept of phase-outs, explaining how they gradually diminish tax benefits as income surpasses certain thresholds, ensuring these advantages are directed towards lower to moderate-income earners. Using the adoption credit as an example, Nick demonstrates how the phase-out calculation works, addressing the proportional reduction of benefits for those with incomes nestled within the phase-out range. With clear examples and straightforward explanations, this lesson demystifies the often-complicated matters of tax incentives and threshold-based phase-outs, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of taxation intricacies.

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Federal Taxation of Individuals: Filing Status, Gross Income, & Adjustments
Module: 3 Concepts, 54 Videos