Video: Understatement Due to Unreasonable Position

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, dives into the repercussions of taking unreasonable positions on tax returns, specifically focusing on the understatement of tax liability due to both ordinary negligence and willful or reckless conduct. He details the penalties associated with each type of negligence, explaining the criteria for ordinary negligence including a lack of due care, and defines willful or reckless conduct as the intentional disregard of tax rules. By walking through examples, Nick clarifies how the penalties are calculated, providing a practical understanding of the financial consequences faced by tax preparers who fail to adhere to tax laws, with an emphasis on the need for due diligence and the risks of disregarding regulations.

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Ethics and Responsibilities in Tax Practice
Module: 2 Concepts, 33 Videos
Circular 230
IRS Audits