Video: Variable Interest Entities

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Video Info

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, breaks down the intricate concept of Variable Interest Entities (VIEs), typically situated in offshore locations, and their complex structures such as corporations, partnerships, trusts, and LLCs. He clarifies the circumstances under which a company becomes the primary beneficiary and is required to consolidate a VIE, detailing the five criteria that must be met for this to occur. Additionally, Nick explains the types of entities generally not consolidated as VIEs and various forms a variable interest can take beyond stock control, which include legally enforceable arrangements, guarantees, and certain contractual obligations. The lesson demystifies this complicated subject, making it more accessible and highlighting its relevance in accounting practices.

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Intangibles, R&D and Software Costs, & Business Combinations
Module: 4 Concepts, 42 Videos