
How We Respect Your Privacy

How our privacy policy treats you better:
  • We Only Store Your First Name We strive to make it comfortable to share exam scores whether you pass or fail by never storing your last name, and by paying you for your exam score (detailed below). Your first name is only stored to personalize emails.
  • We Pay for Anonymous Exam Scores In order to offer accurate exam readiness predictions, it is important that users feel comfortable sharing scores pass or fail which helps improve our recommendations for future users. To compensate you for this valuable data, we offer a $20 Amazon gift card or credit to your account, in addition to allowing anonymized proof of your score. Upon receipt, exam scores are mapped to an anonymized snapshot of the relevant study pattern data and is only processed by specialized machine learning algorithms designed to predict exam readiness and maximize learner success.
  • Login, Preferences, & Progress: We use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our site. This includes the ability to login, set lesson videos to your preferred speed, and store exam progress so you don't have to restart if you accidentally close your browser.
  • Marketing & Analytics: We use analytics cookies to understand how well our marketing is working. For example, understanding which pages of our site visitors find most helpful, and which ads are most engaging.
  • Data Deletion: We respect requests to delete account data and strive to act on these requests within 48 hours. Note that we ask for confirmation before deleting account data for paying customers to confirm you no longer need your account.
  • Disabling Cookies: You can choose to disable or selectively turn off cookies in your browser settings. However, this can effect how you are able to interact with our site. This could include the inability to login to your account.