We Purchase Exam Scores, Pass or Fail

ExamPrep.ai is the only CPA Review provider that purchases exam scores whether you pass or fail. Why? As an AI company, we understand that without accurate data you don't have accurate predictions. We also understand that incentives for sharing your score must comfortably exceed drawbacks or we'll have inaccurate data.
AICPA reports pass rates ranging 44-55%. Yet many CPA Reviews want you to believe their pass rate is 90-94%. It's no surprise that people who pass will be more comfortable sharing their score despite receiving nothing in return. We shine a spotlight on misleading pass rate claims elsewhere, but our focus here is solving the problem by treating CPA candidates better and making your score submission a comfortable win-win.

How ExamPrep.ai Treats You Better

We respect that you might not want to have your exam score associated with your identity, especially if you fail. We also respect that you might not want to share your score with us if you don't get anything in return. We've designed our score purchase program to be a comfortable win-win for you.

Score Purchase Eligibility

This program is available for users who purchase between March 1st, 2024 and Dec 31, 2025. We may extend this program in the future. Trial users don't have access to AICPA licensed materials and cannot generate enough data to improve exam readiness predictions, thus only students with premium access to a course can take advantage of our score purchase program.
Readiness LevelProbability of PassingScore PurchasePass Guarantee
ReadyRating 1<20%
ReadyRating 220%+
ReadyRating 340%+Yes
ReadyRating 460%+Yes
ReadyRating 580%+YesFull Refund

We use that data to help you pass the first time & avoid retake fees

Providing highly accurate exam readiness predictions is at the heart of our business. The more accurate our predictions, the more effectively we can help you pass on the first attempt and avoid painful retake fees. Accurate pass rate data is so important that we're willing to pay for it.

Providing the industry's most straightforward pass guarantee

Since our readiness predictions are core to providing the industry's most straightforward pass guarantee, we can't afford to have 50%+ discrepancies from AICPA ground truth data. Our pass guarantee is available to all customers even if you fail a single exam, in contrast to competitors who charge extra or require that you fail multiple exams to benefit from their guarantee.

How to Participate

After achieving an eligible ReadyRating, use the "Submit Score" link on your Account page for the exam you completed. Fill out the details there and we'll send you a $30 prepaid Visa card within 72 hours.

Pass Guarantee Option

If you fail after reaching ReadyRating 5 you may choose the score purchase or full refund. Learn more about our pass guarantee.

Protecting Your Privacy

We never store identity data besides an optional first name. Furthermore, your account is never directly associated with any score you submit. When scores are submitted, our system creates an anonymized snapshot of the studying profile that led to the resulting score and the association is stored separately, since our machine learning models never need to know any individual's identity to train and make predictions.

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