
What our students think about ExamPrep.ai

“Examprep.ai helped me pass all 4 CPA exams on the first try. I highly recommend. I especially like the feedback and ratings the software provides so I know where to focus my time.”

- Daniel H.

“I can't recommend ExamPrep.ai enough. Nick's lessons turned concepts I struggled with into strengths. I was able to pass FAR right before other exams expired!”

- Andrew K.

“I just want to say thank you for the great lesson videos. I couldn't stay awake through lectures of another course. After watching all your FAR lessons I was finally able to pass!”

- Alyssa M.

Student Success Interview

One of our students has been on a roll crushing his CPA exams and joined us for an interview to share his experience.
  • 0:29: How did your CPA journey start?
  • 1:59: What was the biggest misconception you've experienced so far?
  • 3:08: What was your most painful experience on the CPA journey?
  • 4:11: Why did you choose ExamPrep.ai?
  • 5:42: What part of ExamPrep.ai did you find most helpful?
  • 6:59: How confident did you feel walking in on exam day?
  • 8:34: What were your latest results?
  • 10:19: Any advice for future CPA exam candidates?
We love to hear of our student's success. If you're currently studying with us, we look forward to hearing of your success next!