CPA Study Planner & Accountability Guide

How to Use This Guide

  • This CPA study planner breaks down how much work is involved in passing a typical CPA exam and helps you select a timing strategy that fits your situation. It's simplified compared to the personalized study planning in our courses, but it's a good place to start.
  • AICPA recommends 150 hours of study for each exam. This is a reasonable guideline to keep in mind depending on your prior knowledge and approach to studying.
  • Pay special attention to the Key Insights in the Practice Schedule for data-driven insights that can save you time and money by helping you pass the first time.
Total Study Weeks
Study Days per Week
Timing Guidance
Planning to pass a CPA exam in 8 weeks is a solid approach. It is often recommended as the sweet spot giving you enough time to learn everything without extending your schedule so long that it becomes more difficult to keep everything fresh in memory.

Practice Schedule

ActivitySuccess BenchmarksDaily AverageAfter Lessons FinishedKey Insights
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)Recommended: 800+
Excellent: 1,200+
  • Candidates who practice fewer than 650 MCQs tend to fail the first attempt and reach 800+ on a retake.
  • Better to aim for 800+ on the first attempt to avoid retake fees and extra score release delays.
  • MCQs are an essential part of the exam. Consistent practice & learning by doing are keys to success.
Task-Based Simulations (Sims)Recommended: 35+
Excellent: 50+
  • Under preparing for sims is one of the most common reasons for failure.
  • Regularly sharpening your skills on Sims is the best way to have them down on exam day.
Timed Practice Exams2N/A0-1/day
  • Timed practice exams are important to develop the pacing you'll need on exam day.
  • These are most beneficial right before your exam, after you've studied most of the material.

Things to keep in mind

  • Of the 150 hours typically needed to pass a CPA exam, that time is spread across several activities including watching lessons, memorizing key information, reviewing notes, and practicing questions and sims. Everyone takes different amounts of time for each activity, but our data shows that reaching the Success Benchmarks is a major predictor of success on exam day, making the Practice Schedule's pacing guidelines key levels that almost everyone should aim for. After finishing all lessons it makes sense to increase focus on MCQs and Sims.
  • Life can throw curveballs, and the amount of time you'll be able to study each day often varies. CPA Review students don't need to worry about trying to track everything manually since our platform provides personalized recommendations and accountability support that continually adapt to your situation and help you stay on track. Try it free!

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