CPA prep study room surprised by bots

Our CPA Guide Went Viral! ...With Bots. Here's How You Can Benefit

Hey there, future CPAs! We have an interesting story to share about our recent experience in the world of small business marketing. Grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite study beverage) and let's dive in!

The Unexpected "Success" Story

Picture this: after 5+ years of dedicated work developing our CPA exam prep platform, we finally felt ready to start spreading the word. We quietly launched our free CPA exam memorization guides a few weeks ago, hoping that a few people might find them useful.
Interestingly, within the first day, nearly 30 people requested the guide. For a small site like ours that typically sees 300-400 organic visitors per month, this felt promising. I remember telling my wife, "It seems one person must have liked our TCP memorization guide and shared it with their study group."
As the days went by, the numbers kept climbing. After three weeks, over 1,300 people had requested our guides. We were quite pleased, thinking, "This could be it. We might have created something people really want!"

The Plot Twist

But then... things got a bit strange. We started noticing some spam reports (odd). Our visitor counts didn't match up with the number of guide requests (even odder).
Curious (and somewhat concerned), we added bot detection to our form. And that's when we discovered the truth: the majority of those email addresses were submitted by bots. 😱
Turns out, our little memorization guide had gained some unexpected attention... in Moscow and the Czech Republic. Who knew bots were so interested in CPA exam prep?

The Unexpected Outcome

Here's the kicker: in our eagerness to share these guides with real CPA candidates, we sent our CPA memorization guides to over 1,300 real email addresses submitted by bots. The result? Our carefully crafted emails are now landing in spam folders everywhere. Talk about an unexpected turn of events!

But Here's Where You Come In!

Despite our accidental run-in with international bots, we've got some genuinely helpful content we'd like to share with you. And we could use your help in the process!

How You Can Benefit:

1. Free CPA Exam Cheat Sheets: Get access to our high-quality memorization guides for any CPA exam section. They're packed with essential info to boost your exam performance!
2. Potential Course Discounts: As we're excited to help more candidates pass the new CPA Evolution versions of the exams, we'll likely follow up with special discounts as well!

How You Can Help:

1. Rescue Us from Spam: When you receive our email (possibly in your spam folder), please click "Report not spam". It would be greatly appreciated!
2. Spread the Word: If you find our guide helpful, consider sharing the link with your CPA study buddies. Real humans only, please! 😉

The Silver Lining

While this experience wasn't quite the marketing success we initially thought, it's taught us a valuable lesson about the importance of strong form protection. Plus, it's given us this story to share with you!

Ready to Get Your Guide?

If you're studying for the CPA exam and could use a handy memorization guide (and maybe a mild chuckle at our expense), head over to our memorization guides page. We can assure you it's now bot-proof!
Remember, whether you're tackling AUD, FAR, REG, BAR, ISC, or the surprisingly popular TCP, we've got a guide to help you succeed.
Let's turn this mishap into a positive outcome: you get a free study aid, and we get to connect with the real, human CPA candidates we've been trying to reach all along!
Happy studying, and best wishes on your journey to CPA certification!
About Michael Anuzis —
Michael brings 10 years of experience at Google where he led development of the company’s first adaptive knowledge assessment platform. His innovations helped new Googlers pass multiple certifications quickly by recognizing prior knowledge, laser focusing on gaps and ensuring mastery of essential concepts. Passionate about effective exam prep, Michael formed to help others master their exams.

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