Lesson: Return on Investment

Instructor: Nick Palazzolo
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In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, demystifies the concept of Return on Investment (ROI), a fundamental financial performance metric. He walks through the basic ROI formula, highlighting net income divided by invested capital, and explains the components of the calculation, such as profit margin and investment turnover. Nick not only stresses the importance of understanding and memorizing this formula—crucial for the exam—but also offers insights into how ROI reflects a company's efficiency in generating profits from its investments. By breaking down the formula into more digestible parts, he ensures that one knows not just the 'what,' but also the 'why' and 'how' behind it, laying the groundwork for smarter investment strategies and better financial decisions.

Updated: May 31, 2022 Create an account

In this lesson, Nick Palazzolo, CPA, demystifies the concept of Return on Investment (ROI), a fundamental financial performance metric. He walks through the basic ROI formula, highlighting net income divided by invested capital, and explains the components of the calculation, such as profit margin and investment turnover. Nick not only stresses the importance of understanding and memorizing this formula—crucial for the exam—but also offers insights into how ROI reflects a company's efficiency in generating profits from its investments. By breaking down the formula into more digestible parts, he ensures that one knows not just the 'what,' but also the 'why' and 'how' behind it, laying the groundwork for smarter investment strategies and better financial decisions.

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Performance Analysis & Cost Accounting
Module: 4 Concepts, 44 Lessons
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